Latest News
Our Prayers Have Been Answered
On June 3rd, 2022
We had our Ribbon Cutting for Lockers for the Homeless!
We were able to partner with Catholic Charities for the space and Faith Feeding Freedom paid all expenses for Material and Installation
(Thank you Eddie Barkdoll for installing everything)
This was made possible from a Grant Received from P&G of Martinsburg, it took us longer than expected to find a location but this is PERFECT....

Here the Homeless can store their Personal Paperwork, Medicines and Backpacks and know they will be safe.

We are excited to announce this years Unity Campaign. It will run from March 1st - March 12th, however you can start donating now to our cause. This is an AMAZING way for Faith Feeding Freedom to receive funds, we get 100% of all the monies donated to us and there is also a percentage match that will be added at the end. Please help us make this year more successful than last year.
Thank you everyone for your SUPPORT in 2023

We are proud to announce:
In Memory of Those We Have Lost
This is open to all Martinsburg High School Seniors in the amount of $750.00. Please ask The Counseling Office for requirements.
Last year we met an amazing and well mannered young man, who was homeless. We were able to give him food, clothing, sleeping bag and other items, but the most amazing part of meeting Bo was that two of our team members were able to pray with him and he affirmed his belief that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior.
We were deeply saddened two weeks later when we learned of a tragic accident that ended his life. God brought Bo to us that day and beautiful pictures will always be our Beacon of Light, that God wants us to continue serving the Homeless and Hungry outside the Martinsburg Library each week.
Our 1st Recipient was Jewel Carden